The Ekata Center, formerly Hamsa Ayurveda, was reestablished in 2022 to meet the evolving needs of our time. Ekata is a Sanskrit word that comes from eka, meaning one, and -ta meaning -ness. Ekata thus means unity or oneness. Our current day, while ever evolving in complexity, technological progress and urban development, also finds us entrenched within the challenges caused by a global sense of separateness from each other and the planet that sustains us. Thus, Ekata was founded as a prayer for our remembrance of the unifying, infinite and singular ocean of spirit that nourishes and enlivens each of us. It is a tribute to the earth and all of its beings, and a call to remember our undeniable interdependence in order to thrive. 

The healing and resolution of illness of body and mind are the means by which we achieve this clarity, this knowing of interconnectedness. It is through the purifying, strengthening and proper nourishment of the physical container, which is our body, that we resolve disease and discover a deep sense of wholeness. 

Welcome to Ekata, where all bodies, backgrounds, and beliefs are welcomed. We are here to offer nature’s medicine as a alternative to allopathic care or symbiotic tool in your integrated health plan. 


All are needed by each one: Nothing is fair or good alone.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Meet Our Founder


Emma is an avid practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga therapy. With a commitment to the breadth and depth of Traditional Ayurvedic Practice, Emma supports patients in a range of health concerns specializing in digestive disorders, allergies, metabolic imbalances, autoimmune conditions, skin disorders, stress, anxiety, and depression, menstrual disorders, hormone balance and menopause, and postpartum care. 

By invoking the time-tested methods of ayurvedic diet, lifestyle shifts, herbal medicines, detox therapies and guiding patients towards their own inner wisdom and healing capacity, patients address acute and chronic conditions alike.

Emma holds a BSc from Cornell University, is a member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association and is certified AyurYoga® instructor and Core-Synchonism® practitioner. Her Ayurvedic training includes practitioner and graduate-level studies under reknowned author and teacher Vasant Lad, BAMS from the Ayurvedic Institute and continued studies at The Arogya Center in Albuquerque, NM. Emma also works within the Path of Pollen shamanic tradition exploring the intuitive, feminine and mystical roots of earth-based healing and self-transformation.