A health solution you hadn’t imagined.

  • Traditional Examination Methods

    The time-tested methods of Ayurvedic examination investigates the patient’s concerns through primary causes, the early display of symptomatology, unique signs and clinical manifestations of the concern, traditional diagnostic tests, and through an understanding of ayurvedic pathogenesis. The methods used are thorough, and take into account a complete understanding of the patient’s lifestyle, dietary routines, metabolic health, digestive health and complete health history.

  • Individualized + Comprehensive Protocols

    Treatment protocols are unlike anything you’ve received from your primary care practitioners. Therapeutic recommendations are based in an understanding of whether your system requires purifying/cleansing routines (shodhana) or a more gentle mitigation of the contributing factors to your health concerns (shamana). All protocols involve individualized dietary recommendations and herbal formulations, with the additional of mindfulness techniques like breathwork, exercise routines, or yoga postures to enhance the bounty of your results, reduce stress, and allow the body to self-heal. Your practitioner works with where your at, supporting you to navigate these protocols with simplicity and ease.

  • Transformative Results

    Ayurveda addresses the root cause of disease, and strives to uncover many otherwise unknown sources of illness. By getting at the heart of a patient’s imbalance, individual’s work with the guiding principles, therapies and medicines of Ayurveda to eradicate acute and chronic conditions alike.

    Want to hear more from our patients? See our TESTIMONIALS below.



I’ve lost 30 lbs. in 6 months; all of my ailments have gone away. I have a clear mind and I’m even off all my prescription medications!

 I’ve never felt better! I’ve struggled with weight loss and food my entire life and would kill myself at the gym with little to no results. Other ailments that plagued me included constant fatigue, indigestion, acid reflux, lack of focus at points in the day, disrupted sleep, joint pain, and PMS. I was masking all these ailments with pharmaceuticals that never really addressed the source of these problems. After working with Emma, all of these conditions have gone away.

Sheana Malyszka Pittsburg, PA

After having visited with a Naturopath and trying their protocol for awhile, I was miserable and went straight back to HRT. I wanted to pursue a more holistic way of coping with menopause and post menopause… a

fter meeting with Emma I felt I would try again.

Emma designed a special cleanse for me which made a very powerful and major positive change. The hot flashes stopped and now I am sleeping through the night on a consistent basis! Moreover, Emma offered exceptional emotional support - she gave me space to rant and rave and grieve and grow and “experiment” with my changing moods, hot flashes, fatigue, and grief. Grief for what I perceived as losing my sexuality, my vitality, my worth. We worked on it all! Emma listened closely to whatever I said and I learned to listen to and analyze the changes my body was going through after I came off HRT.

Patsy Tyler - Burlington, Vermont

The herbal formulas she recommended did wonders for my gut, and I feel healthier than I have in many months.

I am a Western herbalist and dabbler in Ayurveda. I met Emma through my professional work, and was drawn to her practice through taking one of her courses. Through our initial consultation, I was able to develop new habits around eating and food that greatly improved my digestion, stabilized my energy levels throughout the day, and improved my sleep. Her guidance was firm but encouraging, and she had an immense and tender capacity for holding space for my healing journey. This inspired me to go deeper into my own health, taking up more reading on the subject and adding in more and more routine to my daily life.

I have also had the opportunity to participate in a cleanse with several other women led by Emma. The way she coordinated and led the cleanse was thoughtful - it created a space for each of us to process our journey, go deeper into the spiritual and emotional aspects of a cleanse, and share our experiences with one another. The process was transformative well beyond the physical benefits of panchakarma.

Emma Merrit - Burlington, Vermont


I found Emma and Ayurveda in the midst of a very scary healing crisis after I had exhausted most of my resources for help, seen various doctors and was not receiving any answers or sustainable solutions…

I was incredibly out of touch with my body and severely imbalanced and my condition was worsening. With Ayurveda, Emma taught me how food can be used for healing in combination with herbs, and that medicine can take many different forms. She taught me how my body, mind and spirit are one system and must be treated holistically for genuine healing to occur. Because of Emma I have a much greater understanding of how to truly nourish and have a healthy relationship with my body, my mind and my spirit. I do believe that finding Emma was one of the things that saved my life, and my relationship with her and Ayurveda has and will continue to bring me greater well-being, health and vitality. I am deeply grateful for Emma’s work.

Kodi Wilhelm - Boulder, Colorado

 In just a few weeks ALL of my symptoms were gone - hot flashes, moodiness, low libido and fatigue.

I first started working with Emma about 6 years ago because I was having very strong perimenopause symptoms at the age of 43.  I thought I had a solid nutrition plan and lifestyle, but it turns out I needed to address some root issues I didn’t have any knowledge of. After working with Emma for a few sessions and using an incredible herbal blend that she formulated I immediately started feeling better.

Throughout the years after that we periodically worked together to fine tune and modify herbal remedies according to my needs. When new symptoms returned when I was 47 Emma again helped me get right back on track, and through her coaching and revised herbal formula I was once again feeling great. ALL symptoms subsided and I haven’t had a hot flash in over 2 years now. As I’m approaching 50 I know exactly who I’ll be calling when I go through menopause. 

Abbi MacDonald - Atlanta, Georgia


My experience with my second baby was greatly impacted by working with Emma and I am so grateful for her knowledge and wisdom.

I began working with Ayurveda near the end of my second pregnancy. I struggled emotionally in the months postpartum after my first child was born, feeling inadequate and overwhelmed. I was determined to make changes the second time around. Emma helped me gradually change my diet to better support my needs during pregnancy. She also introduced ideas for meals to eat immediately after giving birth and in the weeks postpartum to help my body heal. Emma discussed in detail how to prepare the meals and specific ingredients to buy, as this new way of cooking was foreign to my family and me! It could have seemed daunting and overwhelming, but Emma broke it down into manageable steps in order to help me execute the plan. One of the most life-changing aspects of our work together was when Emma created a schedule and helped me delegate the task of assigning friends and family to help and cook/bring meals for 6 weeks after the birth of my baby.

Our modern culture often leaves mothers alone to care for herself and her baby soon after giving birth. The schedule of help ensured I was supported and taken care of so that I could focus on my baby. I highly recommend Ayurvedic care with Emma!

Christine Luketic Chagrin Falls, Ohio